When you join the Spectra12 wine club you will receive 12 bottles each Spring and each Fall (typical shipment dates are May and October).

Shipment will include bottles of your choice (of available wines)
Cost will vary according to your wine selection.
After sending your first shipment, we will charge your card on a bi-annual basis for each additional shipment in accordance with the regular shipping schedule.

This membership may be cancelled after receiving two regular club shipments.  We will send email approximately 2 weeks before shipment to confirm delivery date and to discuss pick-up options.
Shipping Information: We can ship to the following states: Alaska, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Texas, Washington, Washington DC. Please contact us if your state is not on this list. 

Club Option(s)

Club Benefits


  • Free to join!
  • 25% discount on all Club GW shipments
  • All Shipping fees included
  • Special Club GW only promotions
  • Exclusive Club GW Parties

* discounts apply to wine only